Golden Ticket

A simple, effortless way to buy concert tickets

Duration: 10 Weeks             Team: Akhila Nivarthi, Haley Sadler, Sujana Nagasuri        Skills: User research, UX design, Prototyping, Storyboarding


In DSGN 100, a class about prototyping, we had a project in which we had to choose an issue we want to fix in the topic of creative social life. Our problem domain was: “How do we enable people to live more enriching lives?” 

My team chose to design an app that connects people through music and makes live concerts more accessible. We believed that there are many improvements to be made to ticket selling websites, with wait times, prices, and other aspects. 

As the person with the most UX design experience in our team, my role was leading our team with our user research and prototyping. 

Our solution was a mobile app that makes the overall process of buying tickets more intuitive.

Problem Statement:

How might we help young adults connect with artists they enjoy and build connections with the music community around them to improve their quality of life?

User Research

Common Insights from interviews:

  • People enjoy attending concerts with company, though some find it difficult to find people to go with
  • Most people dislike websites such as ticketmaster; find it too long and complicated
  • Resellers are too overpriced

We started off with simple desktop research. Each of us conducted research on the topics of ticket selling and the problems associated with it, and we compiled our research together in order to come up with our user personas. 

We decided to focus on young and middle aged adults, as our research told us that they are the group that struggles most with buying concert tickets. We interviewed 10 people in total, 5 college students and 5 middle aged adults.

These user interviews helped us narrow down our target audience and create user personas.

User Personas

From our interviews and research, we came up with two user personas: a college student named Sungod and a middle aged adult named Robert. 

Brainstorming & Ideation

We used some of the problems we had gotten from our interviews and came up with some ideas for solutions. We then used these solution ideas to come up with our main solution: a mobile app with all of these features included. 


We came up with multiple scenarios using our personas and our solutions. Our storyboard starts with the initial problem the persona faces before showing how our solution solves it. We came with up multiple storyboards and eventually settled on two main ones.

Wireframes & Sketches

Before we got started with prototyping, we made some simple sketches about how we wanted our app to look like. We included different ideas for placements of certain features in our sketches.


We started with a lo-fi prototype of our app, which we created on Figma. Our prototype was in black and white, and included features that we deemed important. 

After completing our lo-fi prototype, we conducted user testing with some of the people we had originally interviewed. We received feedback about how to improve our prototype and did multiple iterations of how we wanted certain features to look like.

Menu Bar: made it more clear and concise

Refunds button: changed it to an easily accessible place

Discover page: changed it to two seperate pages: discover and friends/groups

Final Designs

After user testing and multiple iterations, we finished the hi-fi prototype of our app, Golden Ticket.